Health Articles

For an holistic approach to regaining your health

Exercise for Weight Loss

Exercise for Weight Loss

There is a common misconception that when it comes to exercise to lose weight, the number of calories burned is the only goal. The more calories you burn, the more weight you will lose. Research is now showing that rather than just the number of calories burned during...

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Weight loss strategies

Weight loss strategies

Losing weight is often a challenge, but with these helpful strategies, it can be made easier. PORTION SIZES: Controlling portion sizes is an important part of successful weight loss. Use a smaller dinner plate. This will decrease the amount of food served, but...

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Constipation – it’s something most of us have suffered from at various times. There is a tendency to just put up with it, maybe take a laxative and forget about it. But it is important to understand that, like any other condition of the body, there is always an...

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Healthy Bones

Healthy Bones

For years people have been told that to have healthy, strong bones you need to increase your intake of calcium. But, as with most things, it isn’t quite that simple. Yes, bones do need calcium, but that is just a small part of a very complex picture. They also need...

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Healthy Ageing

Healthy Ageing

Each generation of Australians is living a longer life, but when that life becomes beset with health problems and pain, the quality of life diminishes. Is there a key to living a long AND healthy life? Sure, genetics play a part, but how about a healthy diet and a...

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Have an Avocado a Day

Have an Avocado a Day

Although most people think of it as a vegetable, avocado is actually a fruit, and is packed full of nutrition. It contains vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium (1 avocado has the same potassium as 2-3 bananas), fiber,...

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Mind and body connection

Mind and body connection

Most people aren’t aware of the incredibly powerful connection between the mind and body. They suffer from an ailment and consider it to be a physical condition only. It is only when awareness of the connection between emotions, attitudes and belief systems is...

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